IOD PARC works globally. We have staff based in the UK, Nepal, Australia and France. We partner with our broad and well-established network of partner agencies, associates and locally based consultants to provide comprehensive and context-specific service to our clients. Over the last 22 years, IOD PARC has worked on over 1000 assignments in more than 100 countries world-wide.
Location: Global
Date:2015 - 2022
Through its Secretariat, MOPAN – a network of 18 of the largest official development assistance contributor states – contracted IOD PARC to support methodology development (MOPAN 3.0) and undertake the 2015/16, 2017/18 and 2019 MOPAN organisational assessments. Over this period, IOD PARC undertook 31 MOPAN assessments of UN and non-UN funds and International Financial Institutions (including development banks) and UN specialised agencies and programmes. Using...
Client:United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS)
Location: Global
Date:2021 - 2022
IOD PARC was commissioned under our long-term arrangement for provision of evaluation services with UNDSS to conduct an independent evaluation to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of its Division of Specialized Operational Support in delivering on their global mandate to provide security and safety support to UN agencies and staff. Conducted over a three-month period (Oct to Dec 2021) the evaluation was highly participatory, engaging...
Client:Global Fund
Location: Cambodia the Democratic Republic of Congo Guatemala Mozambique Myanmar Senegal Sudan Uganda
Date:2021 - 2023
In 2016, the Global Fund Board endorsed the decision for the Global Fund Technical Reference Group (TERG) to be allocated $22 million to implement the Prospective Country Evaluations (PCEs) for a three-year period , as part of its mandate to provide comprehensive assessment of the implementation and the impact of the Global Fund Strategy 2017-22 “Investing to End Epidemics”. In 2021, IOD PARC completed an...
Client:United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)
Location: Jordan Lebanon Syria Occupied Palestinian Territory
Date:2021 - 2021
UNRWA introduced a Health Reform Strategy to modernise UNRWA health services which aimed to introduce a person-centred approach to UNRWA’s health care provision with improved quality of care. IOD PARC was commissioned to complete an evaluation of UNRWA's Family Health Team Reform which covered the period from 2011 to 2021 and served the dual purpose of learning and accountability to assess the quality and results of the FHT Reform relative to its intended outcomes.
Client:NDC Partnership managed by World Resources Institute (WRI)
Location: Peru Uganda Nepal
Date:2019 - 2020
NDC Partnership is a coalition of countries, institutions and non-state actors, who work collaboratively to support the achievement of climate goals. IOD PARC undertook a mixed methods mid term review of the NDC Partnership’s 2018-2020 Workplan to assess progress being made towards objectives, recommend any required corrective actions, highlight lessons learnt/examples of good practice and identify the Partnership’s contribution to broader results.
Client:UNICEF India
Location: Dehli and 14 states across India
Date:2015 - 2017
Consultancy to UNICEF India to enhance their support to the Government of India’s Swachh Bharat ‘Clean India’ Mission and the implementation of UNICEF’s Reduce Open Defecation Priority Action Plan (2015-2017).
Client:British Council
Location: Tunisia Morocco Lebanon
Date:2017 - 2018
Focused upon strengthening community resilience against extremist narratives and recruitment in Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon; developing a report synthesis and conducting an assessment.
Client:Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Location: South Asia
Date:2013 - 2020
The SDIP programme seeks to improve the integrated management of water, energy and food systems in South Asia.
Client:Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Location: Canberra, Australia
Date:2018 - 2019
Government of Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) partner work with Multilateral Organisations
Client:World Bank
Location: Bangladesh Benin Bolivia Egypt Ethiopia Haiti Kenya Laos Pakistan
Date:2017 - 2018
Substantive baseline assessments for the performance of its combined water sector portfolio in nine priority countries
Location: Tashkent Uzbekistan
Date:2019 - 2020
The programme is aligned with national strategies and action plans for education, reproductive, maternal and child health and combating HIV-AIDS.
Client:Save the Children Norway
Location: Managua Nicaragua Mozambique UK
Date:2016 - 2017
Review of Save the Children Norway's strategic partnerships in the UK, Mozambique and Nicaragua.
Client:Danish Refugee Council
Location: Afghanistan
Date:2017 - 2018
A research paper comparing mixed migration among female migrants from Asia, West Africa, and East Africa.
Client:Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Location: Islamabad Pakistan Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan China India Nepal Pakistan
Date:2015 - 2018
A summative monitoring mechanism for South Asia Water Governance Programme (SAWGP).
Client:European Union
Location: Ghana Liberia Cameroon
Date:2015 - 2017
A Voluntary Partnership aims to ensure that timber and timber products exported to the EU come from legal sources.
Location: Bangladesh
Date:2019 - 2020
Review of existing MEL system to develop a high level action plan and recommendations for the design and implementation of an organisation wide MEL system.
Client:European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Location: Global
Date:2017 - 2018
Technical expertise to supplement the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) analysis of its previous ratings results and data architecture to support their evaluation of future assignments.
Client:Austrian Development Agency
Location: Global
Date:2020 - 2021
IOD PARC undertook a strategic evaluation of the Austrian Development Agency’s human rights-based approach to support its application and development.
Client:World Health Organization
Location: Global
Date:2020 - 2020
IOD PARC worked with WHO to design a new approach to performance measurement, using a Balanced Scorecard approach.
Client:World Food Programme
Location: Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Date:2020 - 2021
IOD PARC conducted an evaluation of the WFP country strategic plan for Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).
Client:South Centre
Location: South Africa Switzerland
Date:2020 - 2020
IOD PARC conducted a Workplace Cultural Review to assess The South Centre’s workplace culture, leadership and management practices.
Client:Danish Red Cross
Location: Global
Date:2019 - 2019
The Danish Red Cross contracted IOD PARC to conduct a two-phase review of its work across the humanitarian-conflict-development (triple) nexus.
Client:Irish Aid
Location: Vietnam Sierra Leone Tanzania Democratic Republic of the Congo
Date:2020 - 2021
IOD PARC conducted an independent assessment of the PGII and HPP mechanisms and their ability to deliver on the policy commitments in Ireland’s strategy documents, ‘A Better World’ (ABW, 2019) and ‘One World, One Future’ (OWOF, 2013).
Location: Kenya Qatar
Date:2019 - 2021
IOD PARC undertook a final evaluation of the Promoting Safe and Fair Migration from Kenya to the Gulf States project, implemented by Verité.
Client:DCA Alliance
Location: Denmark Myanmar Uganda South Sudan Palestine Nepal Zimbabwe
Date:2020 - 2021
n evaluation of social, economic and environmental resilience policies and programmes, with a focus on learning and recommendations for future programming.
Client:FDFA Swiss Ministry of Foregin Affairs
Location: Global
Date:2021 - 2021
An external evaluation of Switzerland’s mine action strategy, with a focus on learning and recommendations to support the development of the next strategic document.
Client:Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Location: Global
Date:2017 - 2018
Assessing the performance of Australia’s climate change investments in support of international development with a focus on effectiveness, sustainability and value for money.