Assessment and Evaluation

Provision of Consultancy Services for the Evaluation of the UNRWA Family Health Team Reform


United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)


Jordan Lebanon Syria Occupied Palestinian Territory


2021 - 2021

IOD PARC completed an evaluation of UNRWA’s Family Health Team Reform which covered the period from 2011 to 2021. The evaluation serviced a dual purpose of learning to understand factors supporting or hindering the FHT Reform’s intended results and to inform decision-making ahead of UNRWA’s development of the 2023-2028 Medium Term Strategy; and accountability to assess the quality and results of the FHT Reform relative to its intended outcomes. The evaluation considered the development, implementation, resourcing (human and financial), monitoring and reporting of the reform across each of UNRWA’s field offices, as well as the results the reform had contributed to and the extent to which it had supported improvements in health outcomes. The evaluation took a case study approach to understand the implications of the reform for UNRWA health services with a focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of the agency’s operations.

The evaluation used a mixed methods approach which included a desk review and analysis of quantitative eHealth data. Interviews were undertaken with UNRWA HQ health staff, as well as senior management from other UNRWA programme areas and external stakeholders such as UNRWA health donors and
WHO representatives. In each field of operation, the evaluation team completed interviews with Senior Health Staff, UNRWA Area and Health Centre staff, UNRWA partners and host government representatives, as well as individual interviews and (where possible) focus groups with Palestine refugees.

Find out more here.