In 2017, the World Bank commissioned IOD PARC to assist their Water Global Practice (WGP) in preparing substantive baseline assessments for the performance of its combined water sector portfolio in nine priority countries (Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Pakistan).
This intensive study focused on the themes of sustainability, inclusion, institutions, financing and resilience and covered Rural Water Supply, Rural Sanitation, Urban Sanitation, Urban Water Supply, Water for Agriculture and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Each country assessment involved preliminary desk research, 10 day field visits and a full country assessment write up.
The IOD PARC team supported the development of a results framework and a methodology for effective collection and analysis of the data. The final stage of this assignment brought together the findings from the nine countries into a synthesis report and supported the WGP in the preparation of external communication materials.