Evidence and Learning

Documentation of Migrant Women’s Experience


Danish Refugee Council




2017 - 2018

To inform the Danish Refugee Council’s programmatic responses targeting female migrants, IOD PARC produced a research paper that compared mixed migration among female migrants from Asia, West Africa, and East Africa.

The research built on and compared existing data from the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi) and in-depth qualitative interviews with women in Afghanistan, Serbia and Germany. Our research approach aimed to balance the need to fill knowledge gaps on Afghan women’s trajectories, and West and East African women in Germany as a destination country, with the overall objective of drawing recommendations for programming and that respond to the identified needs and profiles of women migrants. We also ensured compatibility of the collected data with the 4Mi platform, and that it could contribute to future data collection through 4Mi along the studied migration routes, where gaps have been identified.

Based on the data collected from Afghan migrants and refugees, the report which can be found here, analysed Afghan mixed migration trends and suggested specific recommendations to address protection concerns faced by migrants and refugees. The report explored the profiles of female migrants from the three regions, the conditions under which women migrate, their relationship to smuggling networks, and the risks and protection concerns they faced along their journeys.

IOD PARC was subsequently asked to produce a 2017 annual report based on the Danish Refugee Council’s Asia Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism (4Mi) data. The paper focused on comparing irregular migration among female migrants from Central/Asia South West Asia, West Africa.