Supporting Change

Review of the Workplace Culture of the South Centre


South Centre


South Africa Switzerland


2020 - 2020

The South Centre is an intergovernmental policy research think tank composed of and accountable to developing country Member States. It conducts research and analysis on international policy areas that concern the protection and promotion of the development interests of developing countries. The South Centre supports Member States to develop common understanding and work together on international development-related policy issues.

IOD PARC conducted a Workplace Cultural Review to assess The South Centre’s workplace culture, leadership and management practices, and relevant policies which inform and/or define the culture.

Throughout the Review, the team maintained liaison and relationship management with the commissioner of the consultancy (the Chairperson of the Board of Directors) and the focal point for the consultancy (the Executive Director). The team developed a consultancy approach and methodological design solutions to conduct the work. They conducted key informant interviews and focus group discussions and developed and deployed a survey.

The team delivered a stand-alone Executive Summary, the main Review Report, and an accompanying presentation slide deck to the Board of Directors.