Launched at COP 22 in Marrakesh in November 2016, the NDC Partnership is a coalition of countries, institutions and non-state actors, working together to mobilize support and achieve ambitious climate goals while enhancing sustainable development. The Partnership’s main role is to support country access to the technical assistance, knowledge, and financial support they need to implement their NDCs and related SDGs in order to turn goals into action. IOD PARC was commissioned to assess progress against the goals outlined in the 2018-2020 Work Program, to identify key challenges and bottlenecks and recommend any corrective actions to ensure the NDC Partnership was on track to achieve its expected results.
The IOD PARC team undertook a high-level assessment of the NDC Partnership’s theory of change, its main workstreams (Country Engagement, Knowledge & Learning, Communications, Outreach & Governance, and Operations) and the overall progress being made in implementing the 2018-2020 Work Program. The team employed a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods including a review of strategic and operational documentation; interviews with staff, developing country members, developed country members, and institutional members; three country visits (Nepal, Peru, Uganda), and a membership survey. On the basis of triangulated findings the team used the principles of contribution analysis to map out NDC Partnership’s overall progress, value add, and contribution to outcomes and outputs.