This institutional assessment of the World Bank, specifically the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), covers the period from 2014 to mid-2016. Applying the MOPAN 3.0 methodology, the assessment considers organisational systems, practices and behaviours, and the results the World Bank achieves. The assessment considers five performance areas: four relate to organisational effectiveness (strategic management, operational management, relationship management and performance management) and the fifth relates to development effectiveness (results). It assesses the World Bank’s performance against a framework of key indicators and associated micro-indicators that comprise the standards that characterise an effective multilateral organisation. The assessment also provides an overview of its performance trajectory. The World Bank was assessed by MOPAN in 2009 and 2012.
The overall conclusion of the 2016 MOPAN assessment was that the World Bank is a mature and high-performing organisation, which meets the requirements of an effective multilateral organisation that is both fit for purpose and can anticipate and adjust to a changing world. It is the primary source of funding for developing countries and provides strong intellectual leadership on a broad range of issues of global importance. The Bank’s comparative advantage lies in its capacity to provide a tailored package of financing and knowledge to its clients. Its internal structures, processes and procedures support the efficient and effective delivery these services in line with its mandate.