IOD PARC, in partnership with GPPi, produced three evidence briefs for the 2023 Global Refugee Forum that summarise key take aways on humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus partnerships aiming to support displaced populations and host communities. The evidence briefs focus the Global Compact on Refugees’ objectives of reducing pressure on host communities and enhancing refugee self-reliance from three angles: lessons and good practices on programming across the HDP nexus; self-reliance and employment of displaced populations and host communities; and access to public services and inclusion of refugees in national systems.
The evidence briefs draw on work being undertaken by IOD PARC and GPPi as part of a joint study of UNHCR-GIZ cooperation for the operationalisation of the HDP nexus to support implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees. They also draw on the findings of the evaluation UNHCR and Humanitarian-Development Cooperation, which was undertaken by GPPi in partnership with the International Security and Development Center.