The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund (SRF) was launched in March 2020 by the United Nations Foundation (UNF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF) to facilitate direct financial contributions from companies, organisations and individuals to the COVID-19 response efforts of WHO and its partners.
This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations from an IOD PARC evaluation of the SRF. The evaluation was commissioned jointly by the UNF and WHO and was formative and forward-looking. It served the dual purposes of strengthening both accountability and learning by assessing the architecture, functioning and results of the SRF, examining the SRF’s set-up, management and administration, and looked at its overall functioning in order to assess what was achieved and how efficiently the SRF operated in pursuit of its objectives. The evaluation will inform the on-going administration of the SRF, as well as WHO’s and UNF’s future fundraising efforts.