This concept piece, developed by colleagues internally, aims at providing an overview of developing and ongoing humanitarian needs and potential areas for attention in the aftermath of hostilities in Gaza strip. It is based on information contained in reports and regular updates that are being published by our UN and NGO clients, who offer real-time information as events unfold on the ground.
This initiative is not aimed at political positioning or to present a statement on the future of the Palestinian question. We believe that this initiative serves a social responsibility purpose, and it contributes to raising awareness within our networks about the ongoing crisis, helping to understand the gravity of the situation from a humanitarian perspective. This resource engages with what UN agencies and other humanitarian actors are doing and will work on in the foreseeable future, as well as providing an overview of the context within which they are working.
The aim is to support our clients, but also civil society, other humanitarian actors and whoever is interested in understanding what has happened so far from a human right, peace building, and humanitarian perspectives, and what are the possible areas for attention in the medium-long terms in term of humanitarian and long-term needs coverage.