I am M&E expert with 20 years’ experience in managing, planning, implementing and evaluating multi-partner, multi-country and multi-sectoral programmes assisting population during emergencies and protracted crisis in MENA and Sub-Saharan African countries. My primary focus lies in forced displacement, and I have expertise across the nexus in the implementation and evaluation of humanitarian responses and development interventions including health, education, protection and livelihoods. I have a strong interest in accountability to affected population and gender, diversity, and social inclusion, which I mainstreams across my work.
I have considerable expertise in assessing organizational processes and systems, organizational effectiveness and development results and I assess and enforce PMEAL frameworks and practices, Community engagement and accountability (CEA) measures and Core Humanitarian Standards for quality and accountability. I am an experienced communicator, trained facilitator, and I am to bring a participatory and transformative approach to my work. I am fluent in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and French, and I have basic knowledge of Arabic.
Before joining IOD PARC, I have worked for a number of organizations, including the RCRC Movement (Danish Red Cross and IFRC), and donor agencies, including the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.