I am an evaluator and researcher with 10 years of professional and academic experience in International Development. My background is in Public Health and development and, thus, I am familiar with health policies, programmes and the health-related Sustainable Development Goals, particularly related to my thematic areas of interest including WASH, infectious/non-communicable disease and migrant health. I am a member of the Rotary e-Club of WASH and an editor for Water Science Policy. I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and gained Chartered Geographer accreditation in 2022.
I am currently a Senior Consultant within the SPCAS portfolio team at IOD PARC. As a core member of the ‘Health’ workstream, my thematic focus is on assignments related to Public Health, and my work predominantly consists of formative and summative project evaluations, Country Programme evaluations and organisational effectiveness assessments for various UN bodies and multilateral organisations including the Global Fund, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO and the World Bank. I am also part of the organisation’s IATI Task Team, and the Safeguarding Focal Point.
Prior to joining IOD PARC in 2015, I worked for various UK-based charities and NGOs. I studied Geography and International Development at the University of Northampton and completed a Master of Public Health and International Development at the University of Sheffield.