Evidence and Learning

Proof of Concept study of the Commercial Pocket Approach to building the resilience of farmers in Nepal







The BRACED programme explores approaches for building resilience in vulnerable communities within some of the most fragile states in the world. In Nepal, the BRACED programme operates under the name Anukulan, and is implemented by a consortium led by iDE Nepal.

KPMG contracted IOD PARC in 2019 to undertake a proof of concept study of the Commercial Pocket approach (CPA) used in the Anukulan programme The approach combines a number of intervention features including training ‘pockets’ of ‘last-mile’ farmers in the use of climate-smart technologies and developing an enabling environment to get high-value produce to markets all year around. The study looked across 6 districts and focused on assessing proof of concept in different settings, value for money, future market opportunities and key success factors. It also included an assessment of how CPA might be taken to scale, including the increased levels of commercialization and multi-stakeholder involvement.

The study supported the program through an understanding of the extent to which CPA increases the income of farmers, helps address issues of gender equality and supports the development of community resilience. The study also produced several outputs including a policy brief.