Assessment and Evaluation

Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness


Multi-donor Group supported by an Evaluation Secretariat




2009 - 2011

The global Paris Declaration is a joint international statement, providing a practical roadmap for improving aid effectiveness. IOD PARC conducted the substantive second phase evaluation of the Declaration between 2009 – 2011 to understand what it had achieved in its contribution to aid effectiveness and development results.

The IOD PARC team developed and implemented an approach and methodology to the evaluation aligned to a comprehensive evaluation strategy which focused on ways in which to improve the impact of the declaration. Given the importance of the evaluation, an independent assessment – a meta evaluation – of the evaluation process was also commissioned to determine whether the evaluation met generally accepted standards of quality, and to identify strengths, weaknesses, and lessons.

The IOD PARC consultancy team developed an evaluation report: Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2. The evaluation findings were presented at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea in December 2011. The team also produced a video alongside Danish AV Production for the Paris Declaration Evaluation Secretariat as well as a further follow-up report titled An Evaluation Insight: Effective Institutions and Good Governance for Development.

The evaluation report can be found here: Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2.

And the follow up report here: An Evaluation Insight: Effective Institutions and Good Governance for Development.