IOD PARC undertook the evaluation of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) ‘Implementation of the Development and Business Delivery Model’ (DBDM), a bank-wide organisational and institutional reform programme designed to improve the AfDB’s operational efficacy in pursuit of its top 5 internal priorities.
The evaluation objectives were threefold: assessing the current implementation status of the DBDM, assessing the DBDM’s contributions to the Bank’s efficiency and effectiveness and identifying challenges and possible lessons to improve the development effectiveness of the reform. This covered the entire structure of the reform model and aimed to provide credible evidence-based judgements for the AfDB.
Our consultancy team utilised a strategic evaluation approach, carrying out interviews with key AfDB officials and stakeholders, including partners, national governments and private sector, at headquarters in Abidjan and in selected countries to holistically assess the implementation of the reforms. IOD PARC then developed recommendations to inform future decisions particularly in the context of the replenishment processes for the African Development Fund (ADF) and the General Capital Increase (GCI). IOD PARC summarised the findings in a final evaluation report: Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Development and Business Delivery Model of AfDB.