IOD PARC has managed FCDO’s external quality assurance service EQuALS since 2016, providing expert technical advice and quality assurance for designing, implementing and learning from evaluation processes.
The EQuALS service can provide quality assurance on all evaluations within overseas development assistance expenditure across the UK government. It ensures high quality in FCDO’s evaluation processes as well as identifying value for money improvements in FCDO interventions.
IOD PARC leads a consortium of 10 organisations and manages a panel of 140 evaluation experts to deliver the service to FCDO and other government departments. IOD PARC provides a demand driven, responsive service that provides; independent quality assurance of approximately 200 evaluation products annually; expert technical advice to support evaluations; and delivery of learning reviews which enquire into and draw out lessons from across FCDO’s evaluation portfolio.
IOD PARC were awarded the EQuALs 2 contract, which started in April 2022.