In 2019, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) commissioned IOD PARC to carry out a Country Strategy and Program Evaluation for Barbados.
The CDB’s country strategy and program evaluations aim to assess the Bank’s overall support to a Borrowing Member, considering the Bank’s strategy, policy dialogue, completed and ongoing projects and technical assistance. They reflect on the Bank’s performance over recent strategy periods and provide lessons to inform changes in future strategy and operations. This evaluation led by IOD PARC is part of the CDB’s Office of Independent Evaluation (OIE) five-year work plan for evaluation activity.
The IOD PARC evaluation reflects upon the performance of the Bank’s program since 2010 with a focus on the latest strategy period. Our consultancy team provide critical thinking to help inform the next strategy as well as enabling the CDB to consider their strategic choices at a critical point in Barbados’s policy and economic situation, with a substantially changed operating environment, a different risk profile and likely different types of engagement.